Cobham Lacrosse Anti-Bullying Policy


 Statement of intent

Cobham Lacrosse Club is committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all our members so they can participate in an inclusive sport where everyone belongs and can flourish.

Bullying can be defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically. It can develop through issues over race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or even jealousy.

Our statement relates to both online and face to face bullying. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. Bullying takes many forms but ultimately it is the perception of the victim that determines whether they are being bullied rather than the intention of the bully. Cobham Lacrosse expects that all members, volunteers and staff will work together to prevent and reduce bullying.

If bullying does occur, our members can feel confident in speaking up, knowing that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.  Anyone who becomes aware of bullying in the Club should inform, in the first instance, the Club Chair, Welfare Officer, a Committee Member or the Head Coach.


What is bullying?

•       Physical bullying: hitting, slapping, or pushing someone.

•       Verbal abuse: name calling, gossiping, or threatening someone.

•       Non-verbal abuse; hand signs or text messages.

•       Emotional abuse: threatening, intimidating, or humiliating someone.

•       Undermining, constant criticism or spreading rumours.

•       Controlling or manipulating someone.

•       Making silent, hoax or abuse calls.

•       Some types of bullying can also be hate crimes including racial, sexual, transphobic and homophobic bullying and targeting someone because they have a disability.

What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying which is carried out over the internet or a social networking website or text. Sometimes the cyber bully attempts to post acting as the victim, which can be extremely distressing and cause the victim to be defamed or ridiculed. Cyber bullying can take place in private forums, isolating the victims from support from friends and family, leading to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Procedures to combat bullying

•       Report bullying incidents to the Chair, Club Welfare Officer, a member of the Club’s Committee or Head Coach.

•       Parents/carers will be informed and may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss the problem. If necessary and appropriate, the police may be consulted.

•       The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and attempts made to halt the bullying.

•       An attempt may be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour.

•       If mediation fails and the bullying is seen to continue the Club may take further steps against the bully(ies).

•       In cases of serious bullying, the incidents may be referred to England Lacrosse’s Safeguarding team for advice.

 Recommended club action to remedy bullying

If the Club decides it can appropriately deal with the situation, the following framework will apply:

Child to Child Bullying

1.      Fact finding should take place round the complaint of alleged bullying.

2.      The Welfare Officer or appropriate Committee Member should meet with the parent/carer and child alleging bullying to get details of the allegation. Minutes should be taken for clarity, which should be agreed by all as a true account.

3.      The same person may then meet with the alleged bully and parent/carer and put the incident raised to them to answer and give their view of the allegation. Minutes should again be taken and agreed.

4.      If bullying is deemed to have taken place, the individual should be warned and put on notice of further action, which could include temporary or permanent exclusion from the club.

5.      Consideration should be given as to whether a reconciliation meeting between parties is appropriate at this time.

6.      The parent/carer of the bully or bullied player may be asked to attend training sessions, if they are able to do so, and if appropriate. The Club Committee should monitor the situation for a given period to ensure the bullying is not being repeated.

7.      All coaches involved with both individuals should be made aware of the concerns and outcome of the process.

Adult to Child bullying

1.      This should be treated as a Safeguarding matter and England Lacrosse informed in order to advise on any action to be taken where appropriate.

2.      It is likely that this will be investigated as a breach of the Code of Conduct instigated by England Lacrosse

3.      More serious cases may be referred to the Police and/or Children’s Social Care.

 Adult to Adult bullying

1.      This should be treated as an internal complaint of misconduct. A written complaint should be obtained from the victim by the Club Secretary and if considered valid the alleged bully should be asked for a written response.

2.      Mediation and an early resolution with agreement to cease the behaviour may be possible.

3.      If mediation does not work or is not appropriate, the complaint will then be investigated as a breach of the Code of Conduct instigated by England Lacrosse

4.      More serious cases may be referred to the England Lacrosse Safeguarding Team or the Police.


Club policy

•       The club has a written constitution, which includes what is acceptable and proper behaviour for all members, of which the Anti-Bullying Policy is one part. The Constitution is held by the Club and can be viewed on the Club website at

•       All club members and parents/carers of U18 members accept the constitution and the relevant codes of conduct upon joining the club.

•       The Club Welfare Officer will raise awareness about bullying and why it matters, and if issues of bullying arise in the club, will consider meeting with members to discuss the issue openly and constructively.

 Related policies and procedures

•       Club Constitution

•       Club Safeguarding Policies for Adults and U18 members

•       Codes of Conduct, available through England Lacrosse at

•       Club Media Policy


•        Anna Woodfine, Cobham Lacrosse Welfare and Safeguarding Officer. Contact via the directory on the Club website at or via Teamo

•        England Lacrosse Policies section –

•        NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

•        Childline 0800 1111 and

•        Kidscape

•        Anti-Bullying Alliance

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